Zengage Services
Welcome to Zengage Life - a complete makeover solution for your life, career, relationships & personality.
How would it be if you could upgrade your Life to a new You - 2.0 version? I'm sure you would agree that a happy, successful life is based on the simple pursuit of becoming a better version of yourself tomorrow, than you are today.
Just as you do with your gadgets, softwares, appliances, wardrobe, etc. it is very possible for you to upgrade your personality to a new version.
Upgrades can be summed up as new features in Your personality. At Zengage, we work on these aspects using exciting tools, Zengage programs, where the end result is a NEW YOU 2.0
You may join us as an individual or with friends / colleagues or family members to experience this transformation.
Basic upgrades that we work on are:
Look and feel better by upgrading how you eat or how you move?
Be more productive by upgrading how you manage and use your time?
Be a more charismatic teacher, speaker, or leader by upgrading your communication skills?
Be fearless by upgrading your beliefs and actions?
You may choose from any of our (Z)engagement models below depending on your Upgrade needs or severity of your concerns.
Overcome emotional issues relating to abuse, relationships, failures, lack of motivation...
Overcome stress related to spouse, parenting,
in-laws, mind-blocks, lack of motivation...
Overcome stress related to loneliness, illness, troubled relations @ home, low spirits,...